Hajj Guidelines & Preparation

Millions of Muslims from all over the world prepare for the Hajj pilgrimage every year which takes place between the 8th of Dhul Hijjah and lasts until the 13th of Dhul Hijjah. Hajj is a significant pilgrimage because it washes away all worldly sins, purifies the souls of the devotees, and aids in strengthening spiritual fortitude and devotion to Allah. Hajj also symbolises humility as Muslims from all over the world discard races and classes and come together to show love for one another and devotion to the almighty creator.

The preparation for Hajj is an incredibly exciting time. Simultaneously, it is a significant moment of spiritual importance because it is once in a lifetime experience for Muslims. The Hajj is a test of patience and character. It is a physically, emotionally and spiritually gruelling challenge which on successful completion cleanses the pilgrim of their sins drawing them closer to Allah (SWT).

The Hajj pilgrimage involves multiple elements that can be overwhelming, especially for first-time travellers. Following the Hajj guidelines can bring peace of mind and clarity to the pilgrims.

What Is The Hajj Pilgrimage - The Fifth Pillar of Islam

Hajj is a yearly pilgrimage taking place annually in the heartland of Islam - Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The Hajj pilgrimage holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims globally as it is one of the five pillars of Islam. Out of the five pillars of Islam - Shahada, Prayer (salat), Alms (zakat), Fasting (sawm), and Pilgrimage (hajj), Hajj is compulsory for those who are physically fit and financially sound to undertake this journey at least once in their life

Origin of Hajj

The sacred journey of Hajj, based on the teachings of Prophet Muhammad, is based on the history of Prophet Ibrahim and his son, Prophet Ismail. Thousands of years ago, the two were ordered by Allah to build the Kaaba, which presently resides within Masjid Al-Haram. Though the rituals of Hajj were finalised from the first Hajj of Prophet Muhammad in 628 A.D., many of the basic rituals indeed reflect Allah's test of Ibrahim's faith.

Now, this pilgrimage is undertaken by over 3 million Muslims globally carrying with them their legacy and accomplishing a sacred duty.

When to Perform Hajj

Hajj is an annual event taking place in the final month of the Islamic Calendar - Dhul Hijjah. More specifically it takes place between the 8th and 12th of the Dhul Hijjah. Different from Umrah which can be performed throughout the year, Hajj does not offer that luxury as it has to be performed on the designated dates.

How To Prepare For Hajj - Before, During and After Hajj

Hajj is once in a lifetime experience and a thorough preparation before leaving for Mecca cannot be overstated. There is a considerable amount of money and physical effort involved in the preparation. Listed below are the important aspects of step by step Hajj preparation that need to be taken into consideration;

  1. 1. Travel Agent

    Since the Hajj pilgrimage is mandatory to be booked through a certified travel agent, make sure to choose the right one according to your needs. There are thousands of agents countrywide but not all their offerings are the same in terms of value and quality.

  2. 2. Vaccinations

    For the successful issuance of a Hajj Visa, the pilgrims need to provide proof of being vaccinated. It has become a particularly important requirement post-COVID pandemic.

  3. 3. Passport

    Please ensure that your passport has at least 6 months of validity past the date of your departure. If not then apply for a new passport or extend the validity of your current passport before the application for Hajj visa is submitted.

  4. 4. Spiritual Preparation

    Hajj preparation is done on multiple fronts. Apart from the documentation and paperwork, the pilgrims must also prepare on the spiritual end. Here is a list of spiritual supplies to have ready as part of Hajj preparation;

  5. 5. Ihram

    It is religious clothing that is worn during the entirety of Hajj consisting of two white unsewn plain cloth.

  6. 6. Dua Book

    You will need to keep a small book of Dua’as handy during the pilgrimage, You can also use an app on your phone for the same purpose.

  7. 7. Prayer Rug

    You will need this in travel size to help carry it with you. You will need a prayer mat during salah.

  8. 8. Qur’an

    Although not mandatory, if you wish to indulge in worship additionally then you can carry a travel-sized Qur’an.

  9. 9. Tawaf Tasbeeh

    It will help you keep accurate counts of the number of tawafs you have performed.

General Preparation

  1. 1. Medicines

    Hajj is a physically demanding pilgrimage that takes place in the extreme heat of Saudi Arabia so it's natural to fall ill. But be prepared with the right medicines as you cannot afford to be sick.

  2. 2. Clothes

    Apart from Ihram you will need certain other clothing such as thoub for men and Abayat for women.

  3. 3. Miscellaneous

    Toothbrush, nail clippers, disinfectant spray, tissues, power banks. Chargers, etc.

Cognitive Preparation

  1. 1. Requirements of Hajj

    Familiarise yourself with what you need to know about performing Hajj successfully.

  2. 2. Surrender yourself to Allah

    Remember the purpose of your visit is to indulge in spiritual practices to draw closer to god.

After Hajj Preparations

Hajj is a significant spiritual journey for Muslims. Upon completing Hajj, it is mentioned that Allah makes the pilgrims as pure as a newborn. Some certain preparations and precautions go into maintaining an acceptable life after Hajj;

  1. 1. Prepare to be Steadfast

    One has to be firm in their spiritual ways, praying, worshipping and indulging in meaningful charity work.

  2. 2. Keep Good Company

    There will be many distractions so it is important to stay focused and maintain company with righteous muslims.

  3. 3. Engage in Learning

    Continue to be indulged in learning about the teachings of Islam, and the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Information about right and wrong will help you make the correct decisions in life and protect you from sins.

What Are The Conditions for Hajj

Certain conditions must be complied with for Hajj to become obligatory. To perform Hajj successfully one has to meet many requirements ranging from economic abilities to physical and psychological strength. There are five mandatory conditions for Hajj to be met:

  1. The first condition is being a Muslim. It is a condition that applies not only to Hajj but all other acts of worship as well.
  2. The next condition is being of Sound Mind. Being able to choose between right and wrong is a requirement for being punished or rewarded but a person of unsound mind cannot do so.
  3. The third condition is being an adult. A child is not obliged to perform Hajj although if the parents want to take the kids along, it's totally fine and the rewards for the Hajj will be given to both the child and the parents. However, the child will have to complete Hajj once again when they grow up.
  4. The fourth condition is regarding the Ability to undertake the Hajj. This condition ability is based on the following Quranic verse;
“Pilgrimage to this House is an obligation by Allah upon whoever is able among the people.”

The ability refers to the physical ability to undertake the gruelling journey of Hajj. It also includes the financial ability of an individual. A person must have enough financial means to support themselves and their family during the duration of Hajj, an individual also must not have any debt to their name, if so then they must clear the debt before setting out on Hajj.

A Guide To Perform Hajj “Day- by-Day”

The rituals of Hajj can be divided into several easy-to-follow steps that take place starting from the 8th of Dhul-Hijjah. Let’s have a detailed view of the steps of performing the hajj: -

On the Day of Arrival

Intention, Ihram and the First Rituals

Generally, the pilgrims arrive in Mecca a few days before the 8th of Dhul-Hijjah which is when the Hajj starts. So, on arrival to Mecca, pilgrims have to perform certain rituals.

The first step that has to be followed for the Hajj al-Tamattu is making intentions for Umrah and donning the Ihram before crossing the point of Miqat. Upon arriving in Mecca, the pilgrims must perform the Tawaf - an act of circling the holy Kaaba seven times. It is to be followed by Sa’ee - walking or running seven times between the Mountains of Safa and Marwah.

After the successful completion of Umrah, you will finish the state of Ihram and wait for the 8th of Dhul-Hijjah to begin your Hajj pilgrimage.

Day 1 (8th of Dhul-Hijjah)

Mina - “City of Tents”

The 8th of Dhul-Hijjah is the first day of Hajj. You will enter the state of Ihram and make your intention (Niyat) for the Hajj pilgrimage.

The intention goes as follows;

“Labbayk Allahumma Hajj. Allahumma Innee Ureedul Hajj. Allahumma Innee Ureedul Hajja fa Yassir-hu lee wa Taqabbal-hu Minnee.”

Travel to Mina, the tent city located 5-6 kilometres from Mecca. The pilgrims must stay here until the next morning performing obligatory as well as non-compulsory prayers. The tents have all the modern amenities to make the stay comfortable for the pilgrims.

Day 2 (9th of Dhul-Hijjah)

Day on Arafat

The pilgrims travel to the mountains of Arafat, also popularly known as Mount Mercy for the Day of Arafah, the holiest day in the Islamic calendar. One of the most important acts of Hajj called “Wuquf - the act of standing before Allah from noon to sunset” is performed on this day. At the end of the day, pilgrims perform the Maghrib prayers and head to Muzdalifah.

Day 3 (10th of Dhul-Hijjah)

Rami (stoning the Devil) and Hady (animal sacrifice)

The 10th day of Dhul-Hijjah Eid al-Adha, also known as Yawm al-Nahr, or the Day of Sacrifice (Qurbani). After prayers at Muzdalifah, the pilgrims head to Mina to perform Rami al-Jamarat - the symbolic stoning of the devil.

Stoning is followed by sacrificing an animal. After performing the sacrifice, the male pilgrims have to shave their heads while their female counterparts are expected to trim their hair by the length of a fingertip.

The pilgrims then head to Mecca to perform Tawaf and Sa’ee again before returning to Mina to spend the night.

Day 4 (11th of Dhul-Hijjah)

Rami al-Jamarat is repeated on this day and a dua is made after the pelting of stones. Pilgrims return to stay at Mina.

Day 5 (12th of Dhul-Hijjah)

On the afternoon of the 12th of Dhul Hijjah, pilgrims have to stone the pillars for one last time. The pilgrims then head to Mecca to perform Tawaf al-Wida (the farewell Tawaf). It is a compulsory step that must be followed for the successful completion of Hajj.

Day 6 (13th of Dhul-Hijjah)

If the pilgrims don’t or can’t leave Mina on the 12th Dhul-Hijjah, they can do so on the 13th Dhul-Hiijah after performing Rami al-Jamarat and the farewell Tawaf.

Frequently Asked Questions

Pilgrims need physical, psychological and financial preparation for Hajj. They need to have their documents in order, updated vaccinations, etc.

To complete the Hajj one must meet the following conditions;

  • Must be a Muslim
  • Must be an adult of sound mind
  • Must have the physical, mental and financial ability to perform Hajj
  • Women on Hajj must have a Mahram

Ihram, Tawaf al-Ifaadah, Saee, and Wuquf at Arafah are the 4 pillars of Hajj.

There are three types of Hajj;

  • Hajj al-Tamatt’u
  • Hajj al-Ifrad
  • Hajj al-Qiran

Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam, meaning it is obligatory for every able-bodied and financially stable Muslim.