Umrah is a sacred Islamic pilgrimage performed to regain spiritual strength and peace in Islam. Since there is no bigger virtue than devoting your time and wealth in Allah, all Muslim men and women must perform Umrah at least once in their lifetime. However, the set of rules for both men and women pilgrims are slightly different, and they are bound to follow them strictly. If you are all set to visit Mecca and Medina with cheapest Umrah packages from India, then you take a quick look at prohibitions for women pilgrims for Umrah.
- Unlike men, women are not required to wear unstitched clothes for entering into the state of Ihram. Ihram for women is plain clothes since its basic concept is to lean yourself into Allah. Make sure to take a bath or wash your body parts for purification prior to entering into Ihram.
- Women are only allowed to perform Umrah with their mahrams and not alone. A mahram can be women’s husband, father, mother, brothers, sisters, grandparents, children, grandchildren, step children, etc. Women above the age of 45 years are permitted to perform Umrah without their mahrams with a group of other older ladies.

- Women during their menstrua tion and postnatal bleeding are forbidden from performing Umrah. Women should plan their Umrah accordingly and should also avoid visiting Haram during pregnancy.
- During Tawaf and Sa’i, women are recommended to maintain a clear and safe distance from the crowd of men. A separate space has been assigned for the female pilgrims to prevent any mishappening or unwanted interaction with non-mahrams. Also, they are advised to stay with their mahrams only.
- The last ritual of Umrah, Taqsir meaning shaving off the heads completely, is somewhat different for the women. Women only cut an inch of their hair as part of the ritual. Also, women are not allowed to say Talbiyah (Muslim prayer) loudly like men.
- Women must refrain themselves from wearing jewelry, makeup, glittery clothes or scents of any kind. Hajj and Umrah are all about simplicity and Allah so that your soul can be connected with Allah without wondering anywhere else. Most of the Umrah agents provide a guide with their Umrah packages for the convenience of first-timers