The 5 pillars of Islam are the fundamentals of every Muslim’s faith and practice. They provide a conventional guide to a life of worship, discipline, and charity. Such pillars are rooted in the beliefs held at the core of Islam and they represent the requirements for all practising Muslims as acts of devotion and commitment.
The five farz of Islam are :-
- Shahada
- Salah
- Zakat
- Sawm
- Hajj
Every pillar represents a specific aspect of religious life, including the spiritual, social, and moral aspects of a Muslim life.
Shahada, which is an affirmation of the oneness of God and the prophethood of Muhammad, is the basis of faith for a Muslim. Salah means the ritualistic prayers five times a day to keep one’s link with God. Zakat, or giving to charities, emphasises social responsibility and compassion.
Thus, fasting and observance of self-reflection in the holy month of Ramadan bring forth an act that encourages self-discipline and empathy.
Finally, it is through the Hajj pilgrimage that the worship reaches the pinnacle in the holy city of Mecca visited by millions each year. These are the 5 basic pillars of Islam, which guide the believers toward holiness, generosity, and fulfilment.
What Are The 5 Farz of Islam In Order
These pillars or foundations of the Islamic faith must be followed by every believer to emerge as a better Muslim. These are instructions or a guide for the betterment of every aspect of one’s life. So, it naturally becomes very important to be understood clearly without a shred of doubt.
Let’s take a look at the 5 basic pillars of Islam in order.
1. Shahada (Declaration of Faith)

The first pillar of Islam is the declaration of faith in one god and the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the messenger of god.
“Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan rasulullah”
It is a pretty simple statement but the meaning is very profound, representing one’s total commitment to the Islamic faith and the Muslim way of life. The people who convert or revert to Islam are also required to recite Shahada as the first act of accepting Islam. It is also important to take Shahada with the right intentions only after having accepted it with their heart and mind.
2. Salah (Prayer)

The second pillar of Islam is the Salah (salat). It is a term used to refer to the prayers that occur five times daily. Islam is based on the belief that every follower has a direct relationship with Allah SWT and the five prayers that happen in a day are opportunities for remembrance of the almighty Allah.
Allah SWT says in the Quran:
“Wa Aqimus-Salata Wa Atuz-Zakah” (2:43)
Muslims globally turn to the Holy Kaaba and offer the five prayers also known as Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha. The prayers are performed throughout the day starting at dawn and the final prayer of Isha is performed after dark.
Muslims can perform prayers individually anywhere or in a group at the mosque, led by an Imam. Salah is a great reminder of our purpose in life to pray and remember Allah SWT in all moments.
3. Zakat (Charitable Donations)

It is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, representing charitable donations to the needy on the accumulated wealth. It is an obligatory act by a Muslim. The giving away of a fixed portion of your wealth to the needy is an important social responsibility that is also a part of the service to god.
The act of Zakat has been mentioned multiple times in the holy Quran, here is one such instance;
“Khuth min amwalihim sadaqatan tutahhiruhum watuzakkeehim biha wasalli AAalayhim inna salataka sakanun lahum wallahu sameeAAun AAaleem” (9:103)
Zakat is an important aspect of social justice that tries to reduce poverty and inequality by redistributing wealth throughout the community. Zakat purifies one’s income and assets by saving a share – usually 2.5% of one’s savings and investments every year for the underprivileged, including the poor, orphans, and the indebted.
This does not only fulfil a religious obligation but also makes people feel part and parcel of the community, making them responsible for the have-nots and hence strengthening the moral and ethical fibre of Islamic society.
4. Sawm (Fasting During Ramadan)

During the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, healthy Muslims globally are required to abstain from food and drinks during the daylight hours. The followers of Islam also must abstain from all worldly needs and solely focus on worshipping.
The month-long Ramadan fasting allows Muslims to take control of their human needs. It also allows individuals to feel the hardships endured by the less fortunate, therefore creating more compassion towards those in need.
Read Also:- Benefits of Fasting During Ramadan
Ramadan is a joyful time in which Muslims fast, pray and indulge in deep worship. The fast is broken at Maghrib, after which the Muslims globally perform special prayers called the tarawih.
It is also a very special time because it was during the month of Ramadan in which the Holy Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.
5. Hajj (The Holy Pilgrimage To Mecca)
Every able-bodied Muslim globally must perform the holy pilgrimage in the city of Mecca provided they have the financial means. It is the fifth pillar of Islam. Millions of Muslims from all over the globe make their way to Mecca to perform the act of Hajj.

There have been numerous mentions of Hajj in the holy Quran, such as:
“Wa `Adhin Fi An-Nasi Bil-Hajji Ya`tuka Rijalaan Wa `Ala Kulli Đamirin Ya`tina Min Kulli Fajjin `Amiqin” (22:27)
The pilgrims during Hajj follow the same order of performing the rituals as was performed by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) during his last pilgrimage to Mecca.
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The 5 foundations of Islam mentioned in the reducing order of importance form the base of a practising Muslim’s belief. It teaches about communal harmony, ethical responsibilities and eventual spiritual growth.
Each pillar serves an important function that helps individuals strengthen their beliefs and makes them better Muslims.
Importance of Five Pillars of Islam
Each pillar of Islam carries a significant value serving as a core guiding principle that every Muslim must follow to live a fulfilling life. These pillars also form the foundation of Islamic faith and devotion. The importance of the 5 Arkan in Islam is as follows;
- It reminds Muslims of the right way to exist – this is by worshipping only Allah SWT by following the teachings of his messenger, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
- Praying or Salah is one of the pillars of Islam. It helps the believers form a deep connection with god through repeated prayers. It also helps bring discipline and consistency to life because of repeated prayers at fixed times.
- Another pillar of Islam is Zakat (charity). It reminds those with surplus resources of the duty of sharing and giving away to those in need.
- The 5 columns of Islam help the followers become a better version of themselves physically, mentally and spiritually.
- It also helps Muslims worldwide realise that they are all equal in the eyes of Allah and must treat each other with the same equality.
- Another important pillar of Islam – Swam (fasting) is important for learning self-discipline.
- Hajj being one of the pillars of Islam serves an important function by bringing millions of Muslims from around the world together for the ultimate act of worship.
- The pillars of Islam promote a sense of global unity.
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Is there a 6th pillar of Islam?
The answer to the question of whether there is a 6th pillar of Islam is a bit complicated. According to the teachings of the Holy Quran, there are 5 pillars of Islam that a practising Muslim must follow – Shahada, Salah, Zakat, Sawm and Hajj.
But some modern scholars and some different sects of Islan have rather developed their 6th pillar. Let’s take a look at the sixth pillar of Islam.
Jihad (Struggle)
As previously mentioned, there are only five pillars of Islam in practice but the Kharijite sect of Islam upheld the belief of Jihad being the sixth pillar of Islam.
“Jihad” is an Arabic term which translates to “struggle” or “striving” in god’s path. It can be viewed as personal and spiritual struggles, and even a physical struggle if the need arises, against injustice and wrongdoings.
However, it cannot be stated enough that Muslims worldwide do not follow the concept of Jihad and do not consider it to be the sixth pillar of Islam. Apart from rejecting jihad as the sixth pillar on a personal level, no sects or groups altogether consider or practice Jihad as the sixth pillar.
The 5 pillars of Islam are still the prominent practices that every Muslim must follow to live a justified Islamic life.
What Happens if Muslims don’t follow the 5 Pillars of Islam?
The 5 pillars of Islam are the cornerstone of Islamic belief and practice. Failing to follow these pillars can have various implications. While there is a debate between different sects as to what happens when you deviate from the 5 pillars of Islam, there is a clear agreement when it comes to Shahada and Salah.
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Those who do not recite Shahada cannot be considered Muslim. If a Muslim fails to perform Salah (prayers) then they become infidels. Here is what Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said about salah;
“The covenant between us and them is prayer, so if anyone abandons it he has become an infidel” (Sunan Ibn Majah 1079)
Let’s take a look at some of the consequences of not following the five pillars of Islam;
- Those who deliberately miss out on the five pillars of Islam are considered to be committing a sinful act by doing so and will be answerable to Allah SWT on judgement day.
- There are obvious relaxations for those who cannot afford to follow all five pillars on account of financial hardships, health issues, etc.
- Islam is built on five pillars so not following them weakens one’s faith drawing them away from the righteous path.
- Community Standing: Regular participation in the pillars, especially Salah (prayer) and Zakat (charity), helps maintain a sense of community and social responsibility. Neglecting these can lead to social isolation or a diminished sense of belonging.
Each individual’s circumstances are unique, and many factors can influence one’s ability to practice these pillars. The community and religious leaders often offer support and guidance to help individuals fulfil their religious obligations.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is the 6th pillar of Islam?
A. Although there are only 5 pillars of Islam, “Jihad” is considered to be the 6th pillar by some sects and modern scholars. But largely neither Sunni nor Shia Muslims consider or follow Jihad as the 6th pillar of Islam.
Q. What are the 5 farz of Islam?
A. The 5 farz of Islam also popularly known as the 5 pillars of Islam are as follows;
- Shahada (declaration of faith)
- Salah (Prayers)
- Zakat (Charitable Donations)
- Fasting during Ramadan
- The Hajj Pilgrimage
Q. Does Islam have 5 or 6 pillars?
A. Islam has five pillars that are widely accepted and followed by all practising Muslims globally. Some sects of Islam along with modern scholars consider “Jihad” as the sixth pillar of Islam but it is not accepted and followed by Muslims.
Q. What is a jihad in Islam?
A.Jihad is an Arabic word that directly translates to “struggle” or “strive” in god’s righteous path. There are two kinds of Jihad – one against yourself (greater Jihad) to purify your heart, stop evil, promote good and become a better person overall. The other form of Jihad (lesser jihad) is outward in nature to struggle against any obstacle that stands in the way of the good.
Q. What is the most important pillar of Islam?
A.Shahada is considered to be the most important of the 5 foundations of Islam. The belief in monotheism and the oneness of god is critical for the Islamic faith.
Q. Why is Hajj not the most important pillar?
A.Although Hajj is one of the 5 pillars of Islam, it is not compulsory for everyone as not every person globally can afford the cost and in some cases, people might not have the health and strength to bear the physically demanding nature of Hajj rituals. Therefore, it is not the most important Islamic pillar.