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How to Perform a Healthy Umrah?

A guide to umrah pilgrimage

Umrah is a holy pilgrimage where thousands of pilgrims are gathered in the premises of the grand mosque, Al-Haram, for the purpose of worship. But this large congregation also raises numerous health concerns for the pilgrims. The pilgrims are required to take certain precautionary measures to prevent themselves from infections and diseases caused due to this massive crowd. The health authorities of the Government of Saudi Arabia starts several initiatives every year for making people aware of these diseases and how to control them, along with reducing the incidences of these diseases. Apart from these initiatives, every pilgrim is required to take several measures on a personal level to prevent themselves from these contagious diseases and infections. Now let’s discuss thoroughly what you need besides an Umrah package with flights for a hassle-free and secure Umrah.

  • Always carry a first aid box for emergencies. The climate of Mecca is harsh which can easily cause discomfort to the pilgrims traveling from the countries with mild temperature. 
  • The pilgrims who are chronically ill, old, pregnant or are suffering from immune deficiency terminal illness, HIV, and malignancy, must not undertake this pilgrimage to lessen their sufferings. Diseases like Hepatitis and AIDS are communicable and increases the risk of transferring. 
Tips to Perform Healthy Umrah
Tips to Perform Healthy Umrah
  • Complaints of dehydration are frequent among the pilgrims in Mecca and Medina due to the hot and humid climate of Saudi. Tawaf and Sa’i are the two rituals of Umrah which requires constant walking and hence causes water deficiency. So, the pilgrims must carry a water bottle and other liquid with them for preventing dehydration.    
  • Avoid any type of physical contact with other pilgrims for eliminating the possibilities of viral and bacterial transmission. Eyes, nose, and mouth are the most vulnerable body parts and can be easily infected, so avoid touching them frequently with bare hands.   
  • Eat healthy and hygienic food and manage your diet during Umrah. Umrah is a tiring activity as it requires a lot of walking, that’s why you should always carry something in your bag to eat after short intervals for feeling refreshed and energetic. Avoid eating fried, packed, or open food as it can negatively affect your health during Umrah.   

Every pilgrim must visit a nearby health center prior to their Umrah trip for getting vaccinated for meningitis, pneumococcal and seasonal influenza. The pilgrims will also have to present the receipt for yellow fever, polio, and Zika virus vaccination to the authorities for acquiring an Umrah visa. Several Umrah travel agencies in Delhi offer vaccination and other health recommendation to the pilgrims.

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